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Deep beneath the post-apocalyptic city, in tunnels left by another civilization, lives Sinister. Reptilian, commanding, evil or simply misunderstood. Where did he come from? Are there others?
Sinister is perfect foam latex prosthetic for reptilian characters, snake and all creatures who slither.
Teeth, bald cap and contacts not included
$88.00 - Sold Out
The Clown Foam Latex Prosthetic Appliance by The Scream Team...
$88.00 - Sold Out
Boaris Boar Orc Foam Latex Appliance by The Scream Team ...
$88.00 - Sold Out
The quintessential trickster, Jester is a creature of many disguises,...
$88.00 - Sold Out
Jinx is back in stock (in limited quantities)! We all...